This isn’t really a good internetting post, it’s just to share this video of a porcupine that makes THE MOST AMAZING sounds. Ok, I’ll throw in some other porcupine-related items to make it more of a post.
1. Kemosabe’s Tree Fort
This video makes me really happy and I’ve watched it like 715,000 times. In fact I watched it just yesterday, when I was hit by a wave of emotions that can only be described as “appropriate for LiveJournal.” All better now. Off the charts, Kemosabe. Off the charts.

via JennyPennyPoppy
3. Porcupine Cake – Nailed It!
Now you might be so enamored by porcupines that you’d like to make your child a cake inspired by them. Please don’t.

via LoLoudly
Bonus: Jennifer discovers porcupines can climb trees
Not really found on the Internet. Circa 2007, in Montreal’s Biodome. It appears this discovery made me puzzled, then kinda happy. Maybe peaceful. Probably proud. Yeah, porcupine. You go.
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