I recently had a Twitterversation about when one can call oneself a true Bloomington townie. And then it launched into a bigger Twitterversation, which was really awesome. As one who has lived here all of my life (give or take six months abroad), I feel rather qualified to put forth a few suggestions, but first some great contributions:
Here are a few of mine, what did we miss?
You are a townie if…
- you have lived here for at least three years while not attending IU
- you know when Christmas and Spring Breaks are even though you aren’t a student (because it means you can FINALLY go out to dinner)
- you hate the students. God. Damn. Them.
- you know where to find the Porthole (hint: it’s not on a boat)
- you know that “Cutter” is not really a thing. Hollywood creative license.
- you root for the Cutters at Little 5 anyway
- you’d rather do ANYTHING than go to Sports
- you’ve played Sink the Biz at Nick’s
- you get simultaneously excited and nervous when you can easily find a parking spot downtown (What’s happening? Where is everyone? Is it the apocalypse yet?)
- you know the abbreviation is B-town, not B-ton.C’mon people!
- you have purchased enough wine at Oliver Winery to get a quantity discount
- you know which high school will forever be known as being awesome at basketball and which is known as the (super lame and stupid) football school
- you’ve thought on more than one occasion, “Wouldn’t it be great if there were a train from Bloomington to Indy?”
- you’ve said on more than one occasion, “It’s so much easier to get to the new airport.”
- you know what car Ken Nunn is driving these days…
Super townie bonus points for…
- being AT a Little 5 race that the Cutters won
- singing Karaoke at the Office Lounge
- being born at Bloomington Hospital (or whatever it’s called now)
- remembering the downtown McDonalds
- seeing John Mellencamp in person and being like, “Meh.”
But really, you know you’re a townie if you feel like a townie. Deep in your heart.
Thanks to Tweeps: @aubreyland325, @amjshro, @ceeller, and @VisitBtown!
You know you are a townie if you have ever thought “Dam, if only i did not have my car”…
Love your list. I have been in Bloomington for 11 years now – all non-IU years! I am married to a ‘townie’ (born in Bloomington Hospital and raised in town)and both my babes have been born here, so I now consider myself a ‘townie’! I can even get the bonus points for the Mellancamp encounter – he offered me ’10 bucks for the baby {takes drag of cigarette and chuckles}’ outside of FARMbloomington. He thought he was funny, i just thought he was creepy {and cheap}!
Haha, I’d say that definitely makes you a townie! 10 bucks for your baby???